Always On Clock

An Always On Clock for Android.MIT

1x1 clock

Clock widgetApache-2.0

Analog Clock Widget

Simple analog clock widgetMIT

Color Clock

Clock widgetGPL-3.0-or-later

Clock You

Privacy focused clock app build with MD3GPL-3.0-only

Polar Clock

A polar clockGPL-3.0-or-later

16-bit Clock Widget

Binary clockGPL-2.0-or-later

Simple Alarm Clock

Improved alarm clockApache-2.0

Minecraft Clock

Minecraft clock widgetApache-2.0

Time Clock

Keep track of the time you spend doing the things you want with this appMIT

Clock Live Wallpaper

LiveWallpaper featuring a clockMIT

24h Analog Clock

Clock WidgetGPL-3.0-only

Dozenal Clock

A dozenal (duodecimal, or base-twelve) clock and homescreen/lockscreen widget.GPL-3.0-or-later

World Clock

Display multiple clocks for selected timezonesGPL-3.0-only

Alarm Clock

Disable alarm by solving a math problemApache-2.0

10-bit Clock Widget

A beautiful BCD clock for your home screenGPL-3.0-only

Valentin's PowerTools #016 - Tomato Potato Clock

Distraction-free pomodoro timerGPL-3.0-only

Decimal Time Clock Widget

Shows decimal clock as a widgetGPL-2.0-or-later

Unix Time Clock Widget

Show Unix Epoche as a widgetGPL-2.0-or-later

Concentric Clock

Tell the time using concentric arcsISC