QR & Barcode Scanner
QR and barcode scanner with all the features you need.Unlicense

Wifi QR Code Creator
View Wi-Fi credentials and share networks as QR codesGPL-3.0-only

[lWS.QR] lightweight Web Server QR code
lightweight Web Server QR code generator pluginMIT

The most lightweight QR code readerMIT

QRCode & Barcode scanner
QR Code & Barcode scanner cross-platform applicationMIT

QR Scanner (PFA)
(SECUSO) Privacy Friendly QR-Scanner with minimal permissionsGPL-3.0-only

The QR code scanner/generator that cares about your privacyGPL-3.0-only

Decode data URIs in QR codesGPL-3.0-only

Generate QR codes on share intentApache-2.0

Lucia App
Lucia allows you to anonymously check in at events using QR code based tracing.EUPL-1.2

Disable alarms with a QR scannerGPL-3.0-only

View Passbook filesGPL-3.0-only

Binary Eye
Yet another barcode scannerMIT

Barcode Scanner
Scan barcodes on products, or barcodes containing URLs, contact info, and so onApache-2.0

Enhanced fork of FreeOTP-Android providing a feature-rich 2FA authenticatorApache-2.0

Bitcoin Wallet [testnet3]
Testing version of BitcoinGPL-3.0-only

Bitcoin Wallet
Store digital currencyGPL-3.0-only

FLOSS public transport passenger companion; a timetable in your pocket.GPL-3.0-or-later

Nextcloud Cookbook
View all your recipes stored in your Nextcloud instance.MIT

Text & File Encryption/Decryption with new OverlayTechnologyGPL-3.0-only