
Simple ssh/sftp server without root.GPL-2.0-or-later


This application enables you to connect to your SFTP server using a password or GPL-3.0-only


A simple FTP, FTPS and SFTP client for AndroidMIT

Primitive FTPd

FTP serverApache-2.0


A server status & toolbox app using FlutterGPL-3.0-only


Simple RTSP viewer for IP camerasGPL-2.0-or-later

Material Files

Open source Material Design file managerGPL-3.0-or-later

Ghost Commander

Dual-panel file managerGPL-3.0-only


Sshfs with ssh client and interface for Android.MIT

Acode editor - Android code editor

A lightweight but powerful text/code editor.MIT


An open-source file manager following the Material Design guidelinesGPL-3.0-or-later

NOVA Video Player

Video player for local/network content with subtitle/metadata download supportApache-2.0

CIFS Documents Provider

Provides access to shared network storage.MIT

SAF Media Scanner

Auxiliary program for the "Unpopular Music Player" and "Opus 1 Music Player"GPL-3.0-only

Squircle CE - Code Editor

A fast multi-language code editor and file manager for AndroidApache-2.0