
Pacote simples de ícones coloridosApache-2.0

Headwind MDM Agent

Mobile Device Management (MDM) System for Android (mobile agent - launcher)Apache-2.0


A monotone line-based icon pack for dark themed setups.GPL-3.0-only


Go para dois jogadoresApache-2.0

Arcticons Black

A monotone line-based icon pack for light themed setups.GPL-3.0-only

Progress Tracker

Rastreador do progresso de qualquer atividadeGPL-3.0-only

Arcticons Day & Night

A monotone line-based icon pack for dark & light themed setups.GPL-3.0-only


Ícones Material Design para sua tela inicialCC-BY-4.0


Acesse aplicativos populares e recentesGPL-3.0-only

DontKillMyApp ✌️ Make apps work

The official DontKillMyApp app is here - make apps finally work properly even ifApache-2.0


User-defined explicit automation for AndroidGPL-3.0-or-later

Track Work Time

Record your work time. Categorize it with different tasks. Generate reports.GPL-3.0-only

Easer (beta)

User-defined explicit automation for AndroidGPL-3.0-or-later

Bangle.js Gadgetbridge

Android companion app for Bangle.js built on top of the Gadgetbridge project.AGPL-3.0-only


A motivation app with journalingGPL-3.0-only


Rastreie as suas atividades esportivas usando o GPSGPL-3.0-only

Green: Bitcoin Wallet

Carteira de Blockstream Green BitcoinGPL-3.0-only

Price Per Unit

Find the best deal for the same item at different prices.Apache-2.0

Fulguris Web Browser

⚡Sparkling Android Web Browser⚡MPL-2.0


Rastreador de peso e medidas do corpo, com suporte para balanças BluetoothGPL-3.0-only