Dumbphone Assistant

Copy contacts to SIM card and backGPL-2.0-only


Helps you and your friends to split your collective expensesGPL-3.0-or-later

Aalener Optik-Formelrechner

quick and easy calculate a bunch of optical functionsGPL-3.0-or-later

Share to Clipboard

A way to copy to clipboard straight from the share menu!GPL-3.0-only

twitlatte - SNS client for Twitter and Mastodon

Twitter, Mastodon and Pleroma clientApache-2.0


Messaging appGPL-3.0-only


Audio & Video Calls / Chat Take Control of your Communication!GPL-3.0-or-later

UUID 0xFD6F Scanner

Scan for BluetoothLE Beacons with UUID 0xFD6FGPL-3.0-or-later


Messenger for secured chats and groups (end-to-end encrypted)GPL-3.0-or-later

Default Dark Theme

A dark Substratum theme targeting Android 7 & 8CC-BY-SA-4.0

SDCard StoryTeller

Play stories in LuniiĀ® format from the SDCardMPL-2.0

Sweet IPFS

Run and manage an IPFS node from your deviceGPL-3.0-only


SIP softphoneGPL-3.0-or-later

Blitzortung Lightning Monitor

Get an overview of the current thunderstorm situationApache-2.0

Linphone - open source SIP client

SIP (VOIP) phoneGPL-3.0-only

Zorin Connect

Connect your Zorin OS computer with your deviceGPL-2.0-only

Seasonal Foods Calendar

Your practical helpling for seasonal/regional foods!GPL-3.0-only


Keyboard for secure E2EE communication through signal protocol in any messengerGPL-3.0-only

Ripple: respond when panicking

Trigger apps to protect your privacy when in anxious or panic situationsGPL-3.0-or-later

Organic Maps: Hike, Bike, Drive Offline

Navigate with Privacy - Community-Driven & Open-SourceApache-2.0