Hebrew for AnySoftKeyboard

Language pack for AnySoftKeyboardApache-2.0

Fcitx5 for Android

Fcitx5 input method framework and engines ported to AndroidLGPL-2.1-only

Fcitx5 for Android (Anthy Plugin)

Fcitx5 input method framework and engines ported to AndroidLGPL-2.1-only

Fcitx5 for Android (Clipboard Filter Plugin)

Fcitx5 input method framework and engines ported to AndroidLGPL-2.1-only

USB Gadget Tool

Convert your Android phone to any USB device you likeGPL-3.0-only

Greek for AnySoftKeyboard

Language pack for AnySoftKeyboardApache-2.0

VX ConnectBot

SSH (remote access) clientApache-2.0


A simple AOSP-like theme for CyanogenModCC-BY-4.0

Latvian for AnySoftKeyboard

Language pack for AnySoftKeyboardApache-2.0

Norwegian for AnySoftKeyboard

Language pack for AnySoftKeyboardApache-2.0

Italian for AnySoftKeyboard

Language pack for AnySoftKeyboardApache-2.0


Remotely control X11 via SSH commands generated by your phone or tabletMIT

PrBoom For Android

PrBoom Doom game engineGPL-3.0-only

Bluez IME

Set up bluetooth controllersLGPL-2.1-or-later

German for AnySoftKeyboard

Language pack for AnySoftKeyboardApache-2.0

Indonesian for AnySoftKeyboard

Language pack for AnySoftKeyboardApache-2.0


We live in a world full of languages. Why not use a multi-lingual keyboard?Apache-2.0

Discord Timestamp Inserter

Input method for quickly inserting Discord timestampsApache-2.0


A simple, bare-bones, no-frills note taking appApache-2.0

Brazilian Portuguese for AnySoftKeyboard

Language pack for AnySoftKeyboardApache-2.0