Equipe RSS
A RSS reader for l'équipe website.GPL-3.0-or-later
Un lettore RSS per Tiny Tiny RSSGPL-3.0-only
Lettore RSS compatibile con Google Reader APIGPL-3.0-only
A Tiny Tiny RSS reader with transparent offline modeGPL-3.0-or-later
Legge i feed RSS di LeMonde.fr e recupera gli articoli all'interno dell'AppGPL-3.0-only
FeedFlow - RSS Reader
Minimal, fast, unclutteredApache-2.0
Read You
A modern and elegant RSS reader with Material You designGPL-3.0-only
Finalmente un'app RSS intelligente che non fa schifo e rispetta la tua privacy.GPL-3.0-only
An awesome Libre and Open Source RSS feed readerGPL-3.0-only
All-in-one app for RSS, BitTorrent dl & playGPL-3.0-only
Allows scanning RSS and Atom feeds with custom queries.GPL-3.0-or-later
multi-services RSS clientGPL-3.0-only
Capy Reader
A smallish RSS readerMIT
Reader for Selfoss
A new RSS reader for selfoss (http://selfoss.aditu.de/)GPL-3.0-only
News Provider
A simple and easy to use RSS aggregator that deliver news to your smartphoneMIT
Flym DecSync
Sync RSS without a server using DecSyncGPL-3.0-only
spaRSS DecSync
Sync RSS without a server using DecSyncGPL-3.0-only
Floating Image
Display images from galleriesGPL-3.0-only
posidon launcher
A one-page launcher with an rss feedGPL-3.0-or-later
Binary Eye
Ancora un altro lettore di codici a barreMIT