Telegram FOSS

Telegram is a messaging app with a focus on speed and security.GPL-2.0-or-later


Telegram is a messaging app with a focus on speed and security.GPL-2.0-or-later


Redirect outgoing calls to Signal/Telegram/ThreemaGPL-3.0-only

Launch Chat

Start a WhatsApp, Signal or Telegram chat without saving a number as a contactGPL-3.0-only


Forkgram is a fork of the official Telegram for Android application.GPL-2.0-or-later

Nekogram X

The third-party Telegram android app.GPL-3.0-or-later

Simple Keyboard

Easy keyboard for inserting all kinds of texts, special characters and numbersGPL-3.0-only

Radio Romania

Play the latest podcasts from Radio România.GPL-3.0-or-later


Clean old WhatsApp backupsMIT


App for those who suffer from the Memetro disorderAGPL-3.0-only


Follow where your device goes without being followed by youGPL-3.0-or-later


Lightweight and functional screen recorderAGPL-3.0-only

Simple Thank You

A warm Thank You for supporting our modern & easy Simple Mobile Tools apps!GPL-3.0-only

Watomatic - Auto Reply For WhatsApp

Auto reply bot for WhatsApp, FB Messenger and more soonGPL-3.0-only

Simple Launcher

A practical and customizable launcher for launching your favorite apps easilyGPL-3.0-only

AdGuard Content Blocker

Block advertisementsGPL-3.0-or-later

Simple App Launcher

A simple holder for quick access to your favourite apps, easy icon managementGPL-3.0-only


Get android app updates directly from the sourceGPL-3.0-only


A Simple, Offline Recipe ManagerGPL-3.0-only


Keyboard for secure E2EE communication through signal protocol in any messengerGPL-3.0-only